brief history
The discipline of rheumatology and nephrology descends from Chair of Internal Medicine No. 1, which was founded in 1962, with the efforts of the late Associate Professor, Doctor of Medical Science, Roman Coşciug, who fronted it for 25 years. Between 1987-1990, the position of chief of Chair was held by Vladimir Covnaţchi, Associate Professor, Doctor of Medical Science, and from 1990 to 1997 - by Vasile Cepoi, university professor, Doctor Habilitated in Medical Sciences.
From 1997 until now, the Chair is headed by Liliana Groppa, university professor, Doctor Habilitated in Medical Sciences. Under her leadership, 16 PhD theses and one Doctor Habilitated dissertation in medical sciences were defended.
During this period, the Chair continued to ensure the didactic process of postgraduate training of internists and other specialists (rheumatologists, nephrologists, etc.). Every year, more than 650 doctors from all regions of the country follow continuous training cycles. At the same time, under the auspices of the Chair, residency training in the specialty of Internal Medicine takes place. In the last five years, all analytical programs have been updated, new cycles have been proposed, refresher training time has been changed to a maximum of two weeks, new teaching methods have been implemented (organization of weekly conferences on current internal medicine topics) and the teaching process has been modernized (by the use of computers). From its foundation until 1978, Municipal Clinical Hospital No. 1 public health institution constituted the Department’s clinical base. From 1986 until now, the Department is located in Sfanta Treime Municipal Clinical Hospital public health institution building, and since the second half of 2011, it has been assigned the second clinical base - Republican Clinical Hospital public health insitution.
During these 16 years, the clinic has renewed its collaborators from among the young disciples of Chisinau State Institute of Medicine. Former residents Larisa Rotaru, Svetlana Agachi, Elena Deseatnicova, Laura Vremiş, Eugeniu Russu, Lia Chişlari, Daniela Cepoi-Bulgac became assistant professors and Associate Professors.
Since 2011, with the curricular reorganization, the Department has been restructured into the Discipline of Rheumatology and Nephrology of the Department of Internal Medicine.
Since then, the Discipline is also responsible for the training of V-year students of the Faculty of Medicine, in rheumatology and nephrology module. The teaching materials and syllabi - lectures, tests, exam question papers - were implemented in four languages of study: Romanian, Russian, English, and French. The staff members organized numerous national and international scientific forums (national conferences with international participation in 1999, 2002, 2011 and the Second Congress of Internists in 2007), attended by famous scientists, such as: J. Dequeqcer, Vischer, Professor EL Nasonov, Professor R.M. Balabanova, Professor L.N. Denisov, Professor V.V. Povorozniuc, Professor E.V. Rudenco, Professor R. Baimihamedova et al.
Annually, the Discipline employees participate in various national and international forums and publish over 30 articles and theses.